What we offer investors
A neutral, confidential, super-connected resource that will:
Offer total commitment to help investors succeed in Cumbria.
Build extraordinary community excitement and engagement around future investments into the region so investors know they will be made welcome.
Offer access to an up-to-date and representative panel of 5000 Cumbrian residents, and 500 small and large businesses for honest, heartfelt feedback and insight in developing their Social Value investments and evidencing subsequent delivery.
Champion the voices and heft of our communities so their needs are placed at the heart of all new investments, whether in energy, tourism, agriculture, transport, health, housing, education or climate change.
Lead the way in developing Social Value and Alliance contracting methods as the way Cumbria does business.
Help investors create compelling Social Value propositions within their proposals, in line with recent government Social Value policy addressing specific issues around:
COVID 19 Recovery
Tackling economic equality
Providing equal opportunity
Fighting climate change.
Work together with investors and our communities to evaluate any Social Value proposal in line with HM Treasury Green Book principles and methodology.
Attract investors, resources and capabilities for the long term, creating rock solid platforms for success for generations of Cumbrians to come.